Friday, January 22, 2016

How to install Android Studio on Lubuntu

Android studio is a great tool for developing android application, you can build android apps quickly and professionally. Android studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for android.

Android studio is available for free for mac, windows, and linux, so in this article basically i will show you how to install android studio on lubuntu linux, so that you can develop android apps on lubuntu.

Android studio is an all in one solution for developing android application, besides the IDE, it also comes with the android SDK, android virtual device (AVD), and gradle as the build system. So we don't need to install all of them separately.

Android studio IDE itself is build using java programming language, so you will need to have java installed on your system, if you don't know how to install java (JDK/JRE) you can read my other article about installing java on lubuntu.

Like i said, android studio is available for free despite it's being developed by JetBrains, which known for its commercial IDE's such as PhpStorm. You can download android studio installation from here.

Step by step how to install android studio on lubuntu
  • install JDK on your lubuntu, open terminal/console/command line and then run this command:

  • sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

  • download the android studio installation zip file from here 
  • go to directory where the android studio installation zip file is located, which most likely it is on ~/Downloads/ directory.

  • cd ~/Downloads/

  • unzip/uncompress the android studio zip file, by running this command:

  • unzip -d ~/

  • go to directory where the android studio is located (~/android-studio/)

  • cd ~/android-studio/

  • go to bin directory inside android-studio directory

  • cd bin

  • run the installer

  • ./

  • follow the installation until finish

Congratulation you have just install android studio on lubuntu, now you can start to create your own android application on lubuntu.

Note that you still need to run the script, every time you want to open android studio, it's located on bin directory inside the android-studio directory (~/android-studio/bin/


  1. Hey! I get the error:

    Error:Process 'command '/home/user/android-studio/jre/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 2

    How can I fix this error?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. It's because of 32bit Lubuntu that you may have, if yours is 32bit,try to install the 64bit version

    2. It's because of 32bit Lubuntu that you may have, if yours is 32bit,try to install the 64bit version

  2. I am New to linux.cant i install directly using GUI without those commands

    1. no you can't, if you are new to linux, you need to learn about command line, it's very important.
